Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Owen:4 months

Ok so this is terrible Owen will be 5 months tomorrow so we are a little late with the 4 month update but here goes:

Diapers: Owen is wearing size 2 diapers. We just recently changed when he started getting a little snug in the length.

Clothes: Owen is wearing size 12-18 months clothes due to his length. Different brands fit him differently so some 6-12 still fits.

Sleep: Owen does not like to take naps during the day (he is nosey). Some days depending on how tired he is he will take a 1-2 hour nap maybe twice a day. But some days he will only take 15-20 minute naps. He still goes down around 8:00PM for bedtime and wakes up twice during the night. We are hoping he will soon be sleeping through the night.

Feed: Owen is taking 3 bottles every 3-4 hours. We are starting to feed him rice cereal but he is not a fan yet. Baby steps to baby food at 6 months.

Waketime activities: Owen loves to sit up and play with his toys. He is rolling over more and especially during diaper changes which aggravates mommy and daddy but he just laughs. He is talking more and belly laughing. He loves to grab things so we have to pay close attention to what he is grabbing so that he doesn't grab anything not meant for him.


  • Owen is sitting up without assistance
  • Rolling over on his own
  • reaching for things
  • Belly laughing